Last Post Latest News Announcements. Award List Need Based Sch. D NNotice Forum Rules 4. Students Beware. 07 1. PMby ArFa. Islamic Menu 2,2. Tarjamah-Lafzi-Al-Quran-Al-Kareem-756x1024.jpg' alt='Al Quran Kareem Urdu Software Pakistan' title='Al Quran Kareem Urdu Software Pakistan' />Anyone have a list of the channels provided by PTCL Smart TV. I have a vague idea of the channels, but wanted to know the exact channels that are shown on. Comment by Mark ZIERLR http Comment by Mark UR34ez http Comment by Jarvis. The Quran k r n korAHN Arabic alQurn, literally meaning the recitation also romanized Quran or Koran is the central. Teri Zaat hi to GHAFOOR H. Yesterday, 0. 7 3. PMby Hina Kanwal. Happy Birthdays Anniversaries. HAPPY BIRTHDAY PREETO0. AMby embers Introduction Menu 1. Mphil edu. 10 2. AMby Touseef Request And Suggestions ID Change Request. PMby orum. Threads. Posts. Last Post. Tilawat e Quran Videos. Shab e Jummah Mein Surah. PMby nnocent Aqxaamds, Naats, Kalams Manqabats Videos. 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