Download Phantom For Snapchat IPA On i. OS 1. 0 i. Phone No Jailbreak RequiredHow to download and sideload install Phantom for Snapchat tweak IPA on i. OS 1. 0 without having to jailbreak i. Phone. Previously, the extremely popular tweak Phantom for Snapchat has only been available to those who have a jailbroken i. Phone and want to enhance the Snapchat experience. Here though, we will show you how to install it on your device even without jailbreak. For those of who dont know what Phantom is, its essentially an enhancement tweak that looks to push the Snapchat experience on i. OS forward with a ton of new functionality that is otherwise not available on the stock version of Snapchat. This functionality includes new options such as the ability to invoke a Snap log that automatically saves sent media. There are also options like being able to save incoming media directly to the Camera Roll on the device or to a specified album or a password protected folder. If youre going to take that media, you may as well password protect it, right From a Snap creation perspective, Phantom also pushes the envelope with features such as being able to add an unlimited amount of text to a Snap with the ability to change the font, size and color rather than having to keep the same Snapchat provided configurations. In short, Phantom is basically what many people think that Snapchat should be, but what it will never be, and now its possible for any Snapchat user to have what they want. Full Phantom features include Features Keep Snaps in the Feed mark read when you see fit Option to disable the hold gesture to keep snaps open Includes a Snap Log to automatically save sent media Option to disable Phantom in Settings. Enable Open in for Snapchat in Settings. In case you havent noticed, we here at Lifehacker have spent the day gleefully reveling in fullblown Eclipse Madness. But now that the blessed event is behind us. Download the best movie apps for androidios. These are the top free movie apps in 2017 to stream movies online in mobiles. Install Movie streaming apps. A guide on how to install cracked applications from App Store on iOS 5. Phone, iPad, iPod Touch with both AppSync and Installous 4 Hackulous. Heres a complete step by step tutorial on how to jailbreak iOS 9. Pangu 9 on any supported iPhone, iPad or iPod touch model. Ability to select multiple contacts at once. Save received media to Camera roll Specified Photo Album Password protected folder Backed up by i. TunesSend images videos from the camera roll includes an image crop feature ability to override video orientation by shake. Additional Caption Effects Type unlimited amount of text Change text font, size, color Change caption background imagecolor. Notification Features Set a custom Snapchat notification sound Status bar notification Hide badge count on app exit. If the aforementioned features, and of course, the idea of taking Snapchat to the next level without needing a jailbreak, appeals to you, then youll be pleased to know that its now entirely possible to sideload the package onto an i. Phone without having to jailbreak it. To do this, first remove the Snapchat app from your device, and then simply download Phantom for Snapchat IPA from here. Once done, you can either use Xcode or Cydia Impactor to sideload it onto your device. You can check out our guide on how to do this using Xcode here How To Sideload i. OS Apps Without Jailbreak Using Xcode For Free. Alternatively, you can also use Cydia Impactor for sideloading, which will also work on Windows PCs. Acmarket Apk is not a simple Android Apk package but, it will bring the access to lots of Android apps and games for free. If you have not downloaded Acmarket App. There are apps like Moment, sure, but if you dont want to pay for an app that makes you take screenshots every morning to tell you what youve been doing the day. You can find our guide on using Cydia Impactor here Sideload i. OS Apps On Windows, Mac With Cydia Impactor Without Jailbreak, Heres How. You may also like to check out You can follow us on Twitter, add us to your circle on Google or like our Facebook page to keep yourself updated on all the latest from Microsoft, Google, Apple and the Web. Related Stories. Subscribe to our RSS Feed 10 Best Websites To Download Android Apps APKs For Free February 23, 2013. If youve jailbroken your iPad then you can use jailbreak apps such as PkgBackup from Cydia to take a backup of all the jailbreak apps and tweaks so you can. LaunchInSafeMode lets you selectively launch apps without being affected by tweaks This tweak adds new privacy and convenience features to the Facebook app. Install Ota On Rooted Phone Apps. As, we all know iPhone iPad both iOS devices packstore their apps in. Recently I covered how to backupextract ipa files of your.