How to Stay in Desktop Mode on Your Windows 8 PCWindows 8 Desktop screen. Windows 8 default welcome screen. Windows 8 has two environments the full screen, touch centric Windows Store App interface also called Metro and the Desktop interface, which looks and acts like Windows 7. If you install programs you used on previous versions of Windows XP, Vista or 7, they will open in the Desktop environment. If you prefer this mode to Windows App, its possible to work only or mainly in the Desktop. With Windows 8. 1, you can skip seeing the Start screen altogether. The biggest difference between Desktop apps and Windows Store apps is that the latter tend to be more touch friendly, while Desktop apps have smaller menus and icons, so its more comfortable to use a mouse. 100 Free Psp Games Full Downloads Rapidshare there. Also, in Desktop mode each program operates in a distinct window that can be moved around, resized and minimized again, like Windows 7. Windows Store apps are full screen. You can split the window to see two apps side by side, but you cant tile four or five apps the way you can in Desktop. Both Desktop and Windows Store Apps can be launched from the Start screen. So once youve set up your computer, spend some time using both types of apps. If you end up spending most of your time using Desktop apps, youll want to take some steps to remain in Desktop mode as you work and even bypass the Start screen, starting up directly into Desktop. Can You Explain The Windows Xp Desktop Computer' title='Can You Explain The Windows Xp Desktop Computer' />Heres how. How to start in Desktop Mode. On the Start screen, find the Desktop icon and tap it to switch. Right click the taskbar at the bottom or tap and hold there for a second to bring up the menu, and click Properties Navigation. Under Start screen, check the When I sign in or close all apps on a screen, go to the desktop instead of Start option, then OK. Now when you boot Windows or when you close a program, the PC will default to the Desktop and not the Start screen. Staying in the Desktop. Even with this setting on, your PC might still enter the Windows Store App environment under some circumstances. Most of the time, this will happen because the default program for opening a file photos, PDF documents, etc. Windows 8 app. Also, some programs work in both environments and might open in touch mode at first. To avoid this, change file and program defaults. As an example, the Reader app in Windows 8 opens PDF files by default, even if you download Adobe Reader XI. To change this, find a PDF file in the File Explorer, right click, then choose Open With Choose Default Program. Adobe Reader. Be sure that Use this app with all. This will work with any file type just download the Desktop app you want to use first. Google Chrome has both a Desktop and a Windows 8 mode and will load in the latter environment if its the default browser. To change this, click the Menu icon three horizontal lines in upper right corner and select Relaunch Chrome on the desktop. Chrome will remember your choice after you close the browser and relaunch in the mode you last used. Look for a similar setting in any other apps that you install in Desktop mode but launch in Windows 8 mode. Customize the Desktop. The Windows 8 Desktop works the same way as Windows 7, including the ability to place program icons anywhere on the desktop and pin icons to the taskbar. In Windows 8. 1, there is even a Start Menu, though it doesnt work quite the same. To pin an app to the taskbar, open the program, then right click or tap and hold for a second the icon on the taskbar. Click Pin this program to the taskbar in the menu that comes up. Log-on-to-Windows-XP-Using-the-Default-Blank-Administrator-Password-Step-7-Version-2.jpg/aid11174-v4-728px-Log-on-to-Windows-XP-Using-the-Default-Blank-Administrator-Password-Step-7-Version-2.jpg' alt='Can You Explain The Windows Xp Desktop Computer' title='Can You Explain The Windows Xp Desktop Computer' />Now the icon will stay even after you close the program. To change the background image and colors in Desktop mode, right click anywhere on the desktop and choose Personalize from the menu that pops up. Here, you can choose from preset themes and colors or create your own. To get a more Windows 7 like Start menu back, youll have to go with third party software. There are several options available, but the best is Start. Run mstsc command. Remote desktop screen will open. Click on options. The screen in the link below will open. Under username, you can put user without domain. From your Windows 10 desktop, hit Start, then Settings the gear in the bottom left of your task bar. From there, hit System Notifications Actions to change. I have a laptop win7 and desktop vista in a network. The laptop is wireless and the desktop is hardwired into a dlink router. My computer recently updated and. Windows 10 Forums the biggest Windows 10 help and support forum, friendly help and many tutorials that will help you get the most out of Microsofts latest Operating. It costs 5 and has a 3. Learn the Windows 8. Windows 8. 1 is a touch friendly operating system, though sometimes reaching up to tap the screen isnt the fastest way to get things done. Here are four types of helpful keyboard shortcuts that will save you time on a daily basis. Charm Shortcuts. Charms are Windows 8 menus that you can reveal by swiping in from the right edge or down from the top of the screen. Upgrade already If youre still using Windows XP, youre a menace to society. And, if youre an IT pro with decisionmaking capacity in an organization that. Backing Up and Restoring the Windows XP Registry. It wasnt very long after I installed XP that I was messing around with the registry. I suspect youre probably. A The Fedora Download Page. There are many versions The Live Media is a LiveCDyou can just put the CD into your computer and start the OS without installing it. How to Install Windows XP on a Windows Vista Computer. So you just bought a laptop with Windows Vista or Windows 7 installed, and you hate Vista, one of your. You can also activate them with the keyboard. Windows Logo key C to bring up the right edge Charms menu. Windows Logo key H to open Share. Windows Logo key I to open Settings general and app specificWindows Logo key Z to open app commands same as swiping down from the topSearch Shortcuts. Windows Logo key F to search files. Windows Logo key W to search settings. Windows Logo key Q to search within apps that support it. Windows Logo key S to search everywhere files, settings, within the app, and the webEasily switch between apps. Alt Tab toggles back and forth between two most recently used apps including Desktop programs. Keep pressing Tab to cycle through all open apps in last used order. Windows Logo key Tab toggles between last two Windows 8 Store apps only. Keep pressing Tab to cycle through open apps in last used order. Navigation. Windows Logo key M to minimize windows on the Desktop. Windows Logo key D to display or hide the Desktop. Windows Logo key, to peek not switch to the Desktop. Alt Left Arrow to go Back. Alt Right Arrow to go Forward. Backing Up and Restoring the Windows XP Registry. Backing Up and Restoring the Windows XP Registry. It wasnt very long. I installed XP that I was messing around with the registry. I. suspect youre probably going to be doing the same thing or else you. Before you make any changes. Its pretty dry reading. XP as you would expect. There are two ways of. The. software based method is generally considered to be safe, although a. Anyone who has used a. Control Panel is an excellent example. Make a change to one. Control Panel settings and almost assuredly you have. Its just that you are. Control Panel from seeing what went on behind the. Directly accessing the. There used to be two versions of. Registry Editor, regedit and regedt. XP they have been. Microsoft Registry Editor Version 5. Type either. name in the Run box and Version 5. The only real disadvantage of not having regedt. Version 5. 1, but it just means you. And make sure you have a valid backup and. How The Windows XP. Registry is Structured. Open the Registry. Editor Fig. 0. 1 using Start Run and typing regedit in the Open. Understanding. Registry Editor is much easier if you think of the left pane as the. Keys Pane and the right side as the Values Pane. In the left pane. Ive. inserted the root key abbreviations in red text behind each key. Registry Editor uses a. Windows Explorer but with one. In Windows Explorer you have folders in both the. Registry Editor there are never. In Registry Editor the. Since. the right hand pane is reserved for values only there are no folders. Each of the five main. Many sub keys have sub keys below them, in some cases. Windows Explorer works, registry locations are. Just remember that any reference to a registry. Think of the left side as Key Pane and the right side as Values. Pane. Fig. 0. 1Notice at the. Registry Editor that My ComputerHKEYCLASSESROOT is. This display will change as you navigate down through. Types of. Registry Backups. Its critical that. The temptation to make one little change without backing up is. It can also be deadly. I speak from experience here, and most. I did, but. hopefully youll be a little bit smarter than I was. That said. there are different ways of backing up so lets look at each one. Backing up is simply. When you invoke the export function you are given a. Fig. 0. 2. Each one of the. Choosing the wrong type can give you unexpected. Understanding each type and when to use it is essential. Registration Files. The Registration Files option creates a. This is. probably the most well known file format used for backing up the. The Registration File can be used in two ways. As a. text file it can be read and edited using Notepad outside of. Registry Editor. Once the changes have been made and saved. Merge command adds the. If you make additions. Registration File, anything that youve added. Registration. File will be overwritten when it is merged. Registry Hive. Files Unlike the Registration Files option above, the Registry. Hive Files option creates a binary image of the selected. The image file is not editable via Notepad nor can. However, what. the Registry Hive Files format does is create an image perfect. Text Files This. It creates a text file. Its most useful. It cannot be merged back into the registry like a. Registration File. Win. 9xNT4. Registration Files This option creates a. Registration Files option. Its used by. previous Windows versions and serves no purpose in XP unless you. XP into a previous version of Windows. Considering the four. Registry Hive Files option. No matter. what goes wrong in your editing, importing the image of the key will. If you want to edit. Registration Files for your backup. If you just want a copy. Text Files. The Actual Backup. Process. The actual process of. In the left hand pane of regedit, select. Export to open the. Export Registry File Property Sheet. From there, its merely a. To be on the safe side, it certainly wouldnt hurt to make a. Registry Hive Files and Registration Files formats. There are two notes you. If My Computer is. Registry Hive Files format. This is. equivalent to backing up the entire registry. XP requires you to. System State backup in this instance. Backing up the. System State is discussed further down in this articleIf My Computer is. Registration Files as the backup file format but this is not the. In the following. Im going to refer to this screen capture frequently to. Fig. 0. 3. Backing Up Individual. Values Take a quick look at Fig. HKEYCURRENTUSERControl PanelDesktop. In the Values Pane youll see the Wait. To. Kill. App. Timeout value. It will be the subject of backing up. Its important to remember that the. XP itself or by an installed. By itself it does nothing. At first glance that may not. Look at the majority of registry edits and youll see. Combine. that knowledge with the fact that XP or an application has to be. Fig. 0. 4 illustrates how the previous. Its important to note that this. For. this example I have decided to modify the value of the string. Wait. To. Kill. App. Timeout. The Wait. To. Kill. App. Timeout string value. Im going to modify. Once I modify the value I might forget. I decide if the change I. To guard against the original value being. Ive created the string value TEGWait. To. Kill. App. Timeout. For this tutorial Ive used TEG. If. your dog was named Fido, you might use Fido before the real value. Fig. 0. 4. Now, looking at the. I can go back to the original string value. At this point the question is often asked why having the two. Remember. what was said previously XP or an application has to be programmed. There is no. application or part of XP that is programmed to look for a string. TEGWait. To. Kill. App. Timeout so it can happily co exist with. Wait. To. Kill. App. Timeout, providing a journal or record of what changes. For a more detailed record you can. TEG0. 82. 52. 00. Wait. To. Kill. App. Timeout that is shown highlighted in blue. Fig. 0. 5. If the change doesnt. An easier way to revert back to the original value is to. Rename. Eliminate the. If you do a lot of. Two months. from now if I want to know if I made a modification to the. Wait. To. Kill. App. Timeout value, all I have to do is open Registry. Editor, navigate to the HKEYCURRENTUSERControl PanelDesktop key. Wait. To. Kill. App. Timeout with the backup entries. By. using the dated prefix I can not only tell what change was made but. After the value modification has been. I. always leave them as a permanent record and have never noticed any. Backing Up. Individual Keys Prefix. Method. One of the first. Backing Up Individual Values is what. Its a good question and Ill go through. In the previous section we were working in the. HKEYCURRENTUSERControl PanelDesktop key so lets apply a prefix to. Desktop key and see what happens. Open Fig. 0. 6 to see. HKEYCURRENTUSERControl PanelDesktop before any changes are. Note that HKEYCURRENTUSERControl PanelDesktop also has a. Window. Metrics. Open Fig. HKEYCURRENTUSERControl PanelDesktop. Nothing has been. TEG prefix to the Desktop key. No. changes were made to the sub key Window. Metrics. What do you think. Open Fig. 0. 8 and youll see that. XP automatically recreated the HKEYCURRENTUSERControl. PanelDesktop key that is shown with the green highlight. However. its a far cry from what the original HKEYCURRENTUSERControl. PanelDesktop key looked like before it was modified to. TEGHKEYCURRENTUSERControl PanelDesktop. There is only one. Values Pane and that is Default, plus there is no.