Because breast implants affect most body systems, symptoms are widespread and can be related to toxicity, biotoxicity, immune dysfunctionfailure, auto immune diseases, neurological symptoms, endocrine symptoms and metabolic symptoms. Here is a longer list of symptoms, but in no way complete, that have been associated with breast implants FATIGUE OR CHRONIC FATIGUECOGNITIVE DYSFUNCTION BRAIN FOG, DIFFICULTY CONCENTRATING, MEMORY LOSSMUSCLE PAIN AND WEAKNESS, JOINT PAINHAIR LOSS, DRY SKIN AND HAIRPREMATURE AGINGWEIGHT PROBLEMSINFLAMMATIONPOOR SLEEP AND INSOMNIADRY EYES, DECLINE IN VISION, VISION DISTURBANCESHYPOHYPER THYROID SYMPTOMSHYPOHYPER ADRENAL SYMPTOMSESTROGENPROGESTERONE IMBALANCE OR DIMINISHING HORMONESHYSTERECTOMYLOW LIBIDOSLOW HEALING OF CUTS AND SCRAPES, EASY BRUISINGTHROAT CLEARING, COUGH, DIFFICULTY SWALLOWING, CHOKING, REFLUX, METALLIC TASTESVERTIGOGASTROINTESTINAL AND DIGESTIVE ISSUESFEVERS, NIGHT SWEATS, INTOLERANT TO HEATCOLDNEW AND PERSISTENT BACTERIAL AND VIRAL INFECTIONSSLOW CLEARING OF COMMON COLDS AND FLUESFUNGAL INFECTIONS, YEAST INFECTIONS, CANDIDA, SINUS AND UTI INFECTIONSSKIN RASHESEAR RINGINGSUDDEN FOOD INTOLERANCE AND ALLERGIESHEADACHESSLOW MUSCLE RECOVERY AFTER ACTIVITYHEART PALPITATIONS, CHANGES IN NORMAL HEART RATE OR HEART PAINSORE AND ACHING JOINTS OF SHOULDERS, HIPS, BACKBONE, HANDS AND FEETSWOLLEN AND TENDER LYMPH NODES IN BREAST AREA, UNDERARM, THROAT, NECK, GROINBOUTS OF DEHYDRATION FOR NO REASONFREQUENT URINATIONNUMBNESSTINGLING SENSATIONS IN UPPER AND LOWER LIMBSCOLD AND DISCOLORED LIMBS, HANDS AND FEETGENERAL CHEST DISCOMFORT SHORTNESS OF BREATHPAIN AND OR BURNING SENSATION AROUND IMPLANT AND OR UNDERARMLIVER AND KIDNEY DYSFUNCTIONGALLBLADDER PROBLEMSCRAMPINGTOXIC SHOCK SYMPTOMSANXIETY, DEPRESSION AND PANIC ATTACKSFEELING LIKE YOU ARE DYINGLEAKY GUT, IBS AND SIBOSYMPTOMS OF OR DIAGNOSIS OF FIBROMYALGIASYMPTOMS OF OR DIAGNOSIS OF LYME DISEASESYMPTOMS OF OR DIAGNOSIS OF EBVSYMPTOMS OF OR DIAGNOSIS OF AUTO IMMUNE DISEASES SUCH AS RAYNAUDS SYNDROME, HASHIMOTOS THYROIDITIS, RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, SCLERODERMA, LUPUS, SJOGRENS SYNDROME, NONSPECIFIC CONNECTIVE TISSUE DISEASE, MULTIPLE SCLEROSISSYMPTOMS OF OR DIAGNOSIS OF BIA ALCL LYMPHOMAWHAT TESTS SHOULD I HAVE FOR BREAST IMPLANT ILLNESS Once you recognize yourself in the above symptoms and realize your breast implants are the cause of your symptoms and illness, it is best to stop wasting precious time and money on testing and misdiagnoses and rather go straight to EXPLANT . There are no definitive tests to prove that your breast implants are the cause of your symptoms and illness but the following medical tests have been used to investigate common problems in us caused by breast implants, silicone, silicone chemicals and heavy metals however many women show just inside normal ranges in regard to testing and are still very ill Medical Lab Tests. ANA ANTINUCLEAR ANTIBODY Checks autoimmune markers2. CBC LIPIDS Checks red, white blood cells, platelets, anemia, infection3. NK CELLS Checks Immunodeficiency4. CMP COMPREHENSIVE METABOLIC PANEL Checks glucose, electrolytes, kidney and liver5. President Donald J. Trump has decided to advance his bogus ban on trans individuals openly serving in the US military beyond tweeting vague dictates on the matter. Healing and Meditation Sessions. Bruno Grning. BONE DENSITY Checks for low bone density6. THYROID TSH, Free T3, Free T4, Reverse T3, TPO Ab and TG Ab. TEMPERATURE TEST FOR THYROID8. Lies People Believe About Divine Healing Codes' title='6 Lies People Believe About Divine Healing Codes' />ADRENAL HORMONES Cortisol, DHEA S, Estradiol, Estrogen, Progesterone, Pregnenlone, Testosterone Free and Total, Sex Hormone Binding Globuline9. B1. 2 AND FOLATE DEFICIENCY Checks for low B1. VITAMIN D, 2. 5 HYDROXY Checks for Vitamin D Deficiency1. IRON AND FERRITIN TEST Checks for iron derangement1. IODINE LEVELS1. 3. CRP C AND ESR Checks for inflammation1. APA ASSAY Checks for abnormal immune system response with Fibromyalgia1. VISUAL CONTRAST SENSITIVITY EYE TEST AT VCSTEST. COM Checks for mold biotoxin1. LEAKY GUT, SIBO AND IBS TESTS1. INFECTIONS SUCH AS EBV, LYME, H PYLORI, MYCOPLASMA, INTRACELLULAR, COCKSACKIE, CYTOMEGALOVIRUS, HERPES ETC1. CANDIDA, Ig. M and Ig. G1. 9. PARASITES OF THE GUT2. EKG AND ECHOCARDIOGRAM FOR HEART CHANGES2. MRI WITHOUT GANDOLINIUM CONTRAST WHICH CAUSES TOXICITY IN US OR ULTRASOUND TO DETECT LEAKSRUPTURES We advise against Mammograms due to their ability to rupture breast implantsOther Tests. The Silicone Hypersensitivity Panel betterlabtestsnow. It is a panel of 1. Please note this test does NOT test for silicone levels within your body, only sensitivity to it. Testing for sensitivity to Silicone, Silicates silicon dioxide, Polyvinylpyrrolidone, Tinstannous chloride, Titanium dioxide, Petroleum byproducts of Xylene, Toluene, Benzene, Latex, Phenol, Formaldehyde, Vinyl chloride, Green 5, Blue 2, Violet 2, Aspergillus niger, Candida albicans, Aluminum. Adobe After Effects Tutorial Videos on this page. Genetic Testing through https www. MTHFR genetic variants and methylation issues is highly suggested as about half or more of us with breast implant illness test positive for MTHFR which affects our ability to detox. My MTHFR status accounted for some of my own particular health picture including my level of toxicity from breast implants and heavy metals and my very low B1. I have MTHFR genetic variants that affect my ability to methylate break down toxins and to detox metals. Many of us do have MTHFR genetic variants and without supporting our methylation pathways with specific nutrients very little detoxing and healing will happen. After receiving the raw data from 2. Geneticgenie. org, Nutrahacker. Knowyourgenetics. The ION Profile is a nutritional analysis through Genova that measures over 1. The ION Profile evaluates organic acids, fat soluble vitamins, Coenzyme Q1. Breast implants deplete many of our important nutrients and minerals which drive our enzyme systems and thus our health processes. DNA Connections Full View test through DNA Connections which identifies bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites in removed teeth, blood, tissue, implants, bone grafts or other biological samples. It tests for 8. 8 different pathogens, including tetanus, botulism, diphtheria, HPV 1. HPV 1. 8, Candida albicans and more. Using PCR, one of the most advanced tools in molecular biology today, specificity of this test is one in a trillion or greater and the sensitivity of the test is the ability to detect the DNA of between 1 and 1. DNA Connexions provides Full View test kits for collecting blood, tissue, teeth, root canals, cavitations, implants, bone grafts, paper points, swabs, floss, and saline. Samples do not have to be orally based or obtained by a healthcare professional. WHY DO BREAST IMPLANTS CAUSE ILLNESSCDC Finds Lead Poisoning in Child Who Wore Homeopathic Magnetic Hematite Healing BraceletHomeopathy is, at best, worthless and potentially dangerous. Lead poisoning is always bad and dangerous. Lead poisoning from a supposedly homeopathic product is thus ultra terrible. On Friday, the Centers for Disease Control published in its Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report an account of a female infant in Manchester, Connecticut who showed normocytic anemia and a blood lead level of 4. L levels exceeding 5 gd. L are abnormal. Epidemiological investigators determined the lead poisoning was unlikely to have come from two interior window wells with lead based paint, the CDC reported, but the parents of the child later informed them the child had occasionally worn a homeopathic magnetic hematite healing bracelet purchased at a local fair. The hematite bracelets spacer beads, when tested, showed lead levels in excess of 1. Consumer Product Commissions 2. Investigators could find no identifying marks indicating metal content or manufacturer, not locate the original vendor. The CDC recognizes no safe blood lead level in children, and warns that any amount of lead in a childs bloodstream can negatively impact the development of almost all of the bodys systems. Since young children have a poorly developed blood brain barrier, the risk of permanent damage to the brain from lead exposure is high. High blood levels of lead in children lead to cognitive problems, New York University School of Medicines chair of the department of environmental medicine, Max Costa, told Mic. Lead lowers the IQ of children. Theyre more likely to show criminal behavior. Exposure typically occurs from lead contaminated dust, water or materials like paint, though objects with high amounts of lead sometimes end up in childrens mouths. While action by public health authorities has lowered average blood lead levels by over 7. Natural Resources Defense Council, the problem still affects predominantly lower income communities Their homes are more likely to have lead paint, have a yard with contaminated soil, or be situated near polluting facilities. As Ars Technica noted, regulators including the Food and Drug Administration have long been suspicious of homeopathic remedies which potentially contain dangerous amounts of toxic substances. Hylands, one of the leading manufacturers of bullshit, scientifically unsupported homeopathic pseudo medicines, recalled its line of teething tablets in April after the FDA determined the pills contained widely inconsistent levels of the toxic substance belladonna, aka deadly nightshade. More than 4. Despite scientific evidence the vast majority of alternative medical treatments dont work, the FDA lacks the authority to crack down on the estimated 5. Ars Technica, CDC.